Welcome to The WizarNet®

The worlds #1 information network!*

How does it work?

Powered by M.A.G.I.C™ (Multiple Advanced Gigantic Interconnected Computers), WizarNet® is your destination for news, art, entertainment and conversation!

Wow, that sounds amazing AND real! But what's in it for me?

Start your day with our front page news and read all about the latest unfair, tyrannical tax hikes; then while away the afternoon complaining about the lack of basic government services on one of our many discussion boards. Once evening rolls around get comfy and explore our art portal, where you're bound to find out who your favorite cartoon character is dating these days (hint: everyone!). And if that's still not enough Wiz™ up in your biz, why not stay up all night pointlessly browsing for a couple weeks straight then complain about the chronic fatigue and depression that you have no idea how to fix!
It's almost too good to be true...but this is a premium top-level domain so it must be!

But what if the modem my uncle Bob set up for me is just too darn slow?

Stuck in a boring, dead end town? Rural hellscape got you down? WizarNet®'s patented DataSkweez™ technology guarantees speedy access on even the 56k-i-est of modems!
WizarNet® is here and ready to give that old handcart a firm, paternal push down the express track to a technological (but still M.A.G.I.C™-al) Oz!

*excluding the *****net, government/corporate/NPO intranet, metropolitan public libraries and that guy-you-know-who's-always-offering-to-download-movies-for-you's home network.